UASG is a company of Australian which is known for their utility installation, maintenance, and other operational services. This company was founded back in the year 2015 by Spotless. Spotless is a leading Australian group which offers various integrated services to their clients. They offer their services in different regions of Australia while their main office is located in Melbourne.
The term UASG refers to Utility Assets Services group. This company offers various cutting edge and tailored solutions to their clients ranging from different sectors like corporate, government, industrial, commercial and telecommunication sectors. UASG mainly offer two types of services that are asset installation & maintenance and metering services. First one is asset installation and maintenance services which include asset inspection, pole reinstatement, electrical construction & maintenance, street light maintenance, technical services, spatial system and design solutions, service mains replacement, and vegetation management.
The other one is metering services in which they offer meter reading, meter installation & replacement, maintenance, skill tech Mimtr, advanced metering, and skill tech smart pipe. These metering services are delivered by Skilltech whereas other installation services are offered by UAM i.e. Utility Asset Management. Laser Electrical and SecureCorp are the names of other similar companies of Australia.
Get more details about this company from their supporting staff. If you have any complaints with their services then you can contact their team members. Now many of you are going to search their contact details with some common questions like what are the contact details of UASG, where is the office of UASG, what is the phone number of UASG, how to contact UASG etc. If such questions also hit your mind then the following details will give you their answers. You can check their office addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, and email IDs and contact them. Following page will also show you a links section which contains some helpful links of their website such as career, contact etc.
UASG Head Office Contact Details

UASG Head Office Address: 549 St Kilda Road, Melbourne, VIC 3004
UASG Head Office Contact Number: +61 3 9269 7600
UASG Head Office Email ID: [email protected]
UASG Head Office Fax Number: N/A
The main headquarters of UASG is located at Melbourne, Australia. Any important details, queries or other issues are solved by their supporting members. Get in touch with their team using the above details.
UASG Other Office Contact Details
General | Address | Phone number | Fax Number |
Utility Asset Management | 549 St Kilda Road Melbourne, VIC 3004 | 1300 398 403 | N/A |
Skilltech | 549 St Kilda Road Melbourne, VIC 3004 | 1300 377 170 | +61 3 9314 8577 |
UASG has two different units which deal in different industries and offer various services. Check the table and contact the concerned department as per your queries.
Official Website:
UASG is an Australian company which offers various practical services. It is a part of the well-known spotless group of Australia. for more details, check this link and it will take you to their website.
Social Profiles
Facebook Fan Page: N/A
Twitter Handle: N/A
LinkedIn Profile:
Google+ Profile: N/A
Tumblr: N/A
Pinterest: N/A
Instagram Handle: N/A
YouTube Channel: N/A
Blogs: N/A
UASG is only available on LinkedIn. There is no other account of UASG officially available on any other above networking site.
Important Links
If you want to join UASG then this career link will show you a path. Follow this path and it will show you vacant seat details in this industry.
Contact us:
If you are looking for further contact details, then use this link and collect more departmental details there. You can give your feedback in the form available there.