Troy Cassar-Daley, an Australian singer was born in the year 1969 on May 18. He is from New South Wales, Australia. His instruments are harmonica and guitar. His genre is country music. Troy Cassar-Daley married to Laurel Edwards. She is a radio DJ and a TV Presenter. They have two children named Jem and Clay. He is famous for being the Australian country music best singer.
His discography are Things I Carry Around, Freedom Ride, The Great Country Songbook, Home, Live CD and DVD, I Love This Place, Born to Survive: The Best of Troy Cassar-Dley, Almost Home, The Brighter Day, Borrowed and Blue, Long Way Home, Big River, True Believer, Beyond the Dancing and Dream Out Loud.
In order to know the residence address, contact number, phone number, WhatsApp number, Email ID, office number, office address, official Email ID, agent booking number, link of the official website, snapchat username, facebook fan page, twitter handle, instagram handle, google plus profile etc.
Troy Cassar-Daley Personal Contact Details

Troy Cassar-Daley Residence Address: n/a
Troy Cassar-Daley Contact Number: n/a
Troy Cassar-Daley Phone Number: n/a
Troy Cassar-Daley WhatsApp Number: n/a
Troy Cassar-Daley Email ID: n/a
There is no availability of any kind of personal contact details of Troy Cassar-Daley. Whenever there will be any, that will be updated here too.
Troy Cassar-Daley Office Contact Details
Troy Cassar-Daley Office Address: n/a
Troy Cassar-Daley Office Contact Number: n/a
Troy Cassar-Daley Official Email ID: [email protected] (management), [email protected] (media) & [email protected] (booking agent)
Troy Cassar-Daley Booking Agent Contact Number: +61 2 8356 1299 (Sydney Australia), +61 3 8687 1353 (Melbourne Australia) and +64 9 377 4454 (Auckland New Zealand)
Troy Cassar-Daley Official Website:
The fans are only provided with official details only. If available, they can use this as the medium to get an autograph of Troy Cassar-Daley. The process of getting an autograph after making a request can take minimum 3 months.
Troy Cassar-Daley Social Profiles
Facebook Fan Page:
Twitter Handle:
Instagram Handle:
YouTube Channel:
Snapchat Username: n/a
Google Plus Profile: n/a
These are the social media profiles of Troy Cassar-Daley. One can get the latest updates made by Troy Cassar-Daley from here as well.