Shanina Shaik is a famous Australian celebrity who is popular as a model. If you are here to know the contact details of her, then you will get something useful. Here we have shared Shanina Shaik phone number, Shanina Shaik email ID, Shanina Shaik manager details, Shanina Shaik booking agent details, Shanina Shaik Whatsapp number, Shanina Shaik residence details etc. In addition to all these details, we have created another section which consists of links of her official website and some of her social profiles such as Shanina Shaik Facebook, Shanina Shaik Instagram etc.
Shanina Shaik is a popular Australian model who is working with an international agency named IMG Models. She has earned many hearts with her modeling. Shanina took her first step in modeling in the year 2008. She appeared in 8 shows at the beginning of her career. Other agencies she is working with are Traffic Models Barcelona and MIKAz of Stockholm. She has appeared in different advertisements of top brands like Olay, Burneo collocate, Body & Bath Works ‘Dark Kiss’ fragrance, General Pants Co, Bonds, Bauhaus and many more others. Other Australian models you can contact are Ruby Rose, Courtney Eaton, Holly Valance and Phoebe Tonkin.
About/Wiki Shanina Shaik |
Real/Birth Name | Shanina Shaik |
Shanina Shaik DOB | 11 February 1991 |
Shanina Shaik was born on 11 February 1991 in Melbourne. She married DJ Ruckus in 2018 but they divorced in 2019.
What are the Phone Numbers of Shanina Shaik? |
Shanina Shaik Personal Phone Number | N/A |
Shanina Shaik Whatsapp Number | N/A |
Shanina Shaik Mobile Number | N/A |
Shanina Shaik Office Phone Number | N/A |
Shanina Shaik Fax Number | N/A |
We are sorry to say that the contact numbers of Shanina Shaik are not officially available. Stay tuned with us to know the updates.
What are the Email IDs of Shanina Shaik? |
Shanina Shaik Personal Email ID | N/A |
Shanina Shaik Office Email ID | [email protected] |
You can mail your queries to the booking agent of Shanina Shaik. This is the email ID which you can use.
What are the Contact Addresses of Shanina Shaik? |
Shanina Shaik Residence Address | Victoria, Australia |
Shanina Shaik Office Address | IMG Models Office |
Shanina Shaik is working with IMG Models. Contact their branch for visiting her.
Official Website: N/A
Shanina Shaik hasn’t launched any website of her own. If there is any update about it, we will publish it here.
Social Media Profiles of Shanina Shaik |
Facebook Fan Page | N/A |
Twitter Handle | |
Instagram Handle | |
YouTube Channel | N/A |
Snapchat ID | N/A |
Shanina Shaik is active on Twitter and Instagram. Other accounts with her name are only fan pages.