AU Customer Service

Pizza Hut Customer Service Phone Number, Email ID, Office Address

Pizza Hut ( is an American restaurant which was founded in 1958 by Frank and Dan Carney with a motive of providing people with a joy of pizzas, pastas, desserts and side dishes. Since 1958, the restaurant started gaining popularity, profit and development and today it has over 12000 restaurants operating worldwide.

The franchising of the restaurant began in 1959 and the pizza hut delivery began in 1985 to compete with the market. Pizza Hut provides home deliveries as well as pickups and dine restaurants. The menu of the restaurant includes large, medium and small meat, chicken, veggie and sea food pizzas or you can create your own. It also provides desserts, sides, drinks, pasta and deals on different meals.

Pizza Hut Customer Service Contact Details

Pizza Hut Customer Service Phone Number: N/A
The pizza hut customer service number is not available. Customers can order pizza from the website or visit restaurants for having pizza.

Pizza Hut Customer Service Email Id: N/A
Email Id is also not available. Customers can visit website for general questions on the frequently asked questions link and franchisee questions on the franchisee link.

Pizza Hut Head Office Address: N/A
The Head Office Address is not available.

Pizza Hut Official Website:
The official website can be visited to check the menu of the restaurant, order pizza online, finding pizza hut restaurants, finding answers of general questions on the frequently asked questions link, ask franchisee questions on the franchisee link and much more.

Social Profiles

Like, subscribe and follow the social profiles of Pizza hut for exploring various pizzas menus and other meals.

Facebook Fan Page:

Twitter Handle:

Instagram Handle:

YouTube Channel:

Important Links

Frequently Asked Questions:
The frequently asked questions link include the general questions of the customers with their answers to solve customer’s query immediately.

The careers link provides people to work with the company if the person is qualified for the jobs and the vacancy is available.