Paul Kelly is a singer from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia. He was born in the year 1955 on January 13. His birth name is Paul Maurice Kelly. He married to Brown, Hilary in the year 1980 and they have a child too. Later, in the year 1988, he married to Kaarin Fairfax and now, they have two children.
Besides being a singer, he is also a producer and a songwriter. He uses instruments such as harmonica and guitar. His genres are folk, acoustic and Australian rock. His studio albums are Talk, Manila, Post, Gossip, Under The Sun, So Much Water So Close to Home, Comedy, Hidden Things, Wanted Things, Deeper Water, Words and Music, Ways & Means, Stardust Five, Sprig and Fall, The Merri Soul Sessions, etc. The awards won by him are 14 ARIA Awards, 2 APRA Awards, a APRA- AGSC Awards Screen Music Awards, CMAA Awards, 6 CMAA Awards Country Music Awards, four Mo Awards Entertainment industry awards, and three Victorian Country Music Awards.
To know about this person, one can use this post for that. The post that is shared here is having his personal contact details (residence address, contact number, phone number, WhatsApp number, Email ID etc), office contact details (office contact number, Email ID, agent booking number, office address, official website link etc) and the social media profiles (snapchat username, twitter handle, instagram handle, etc).
Paul Kelly Personal Contact Details

Paul Kelly Residence Address: n/a
Paul Kelly Contact Number: n/a
Paul Kelly Phone Number: n/a
Paul Kelly WhatsApp Number: n/a
Paul Kelly Email ID: n/a
There is no availability of any kind of personal contact details of Paul Kelly. Whenever there will be any, that will be updated here too.
Paul Kelly Office Contact Details
Paul Kelly Office Address: One Louder Entertainment PO BOX 989 Darlinghurst NSW 1300
Paul Kelly Office Contact Number: [email protected]
Paul Kelly Official Email ID: n/a
Paul Kelly Booking Agent Contact Number: n/a
Paul Kelly Official Website:
The fans are only provided with official details only. If available, they can use this as the medium to get an autograph of Paul Kelly. The process of getting an autograph after making a request can take minimum 3 months.
Paul Kelly Social Profiles
Facebook Fan Page:
Twitter Handle:
Instagram Handle: n/a
YouTube Channel: n/a
Snapchat Username: n/a
Google Plus Profile: n/a
These are the social media profiles of Paul Kelly. One can get the latest updates made by Paul Kelly from here as well.