AU Customer Service

Nandos Customer Service Phone Number, Email ID, Office Address

Nandos ( is a South Africa based restaurant which was founded in 1987 by Fernando Duarte and his friend Robert Brozin which they named it over Fernando. The restaurant started their operations in Australia in 1991. Now it operates in more than 30 countries with more than 1000 outlets.

The restaurant specializes chicken dishes with lemon, herbs, and peri-peri sauces. It also provides burgers, salads, drinks, wraps and much more. The most famous dish provided by Nandos is the flame grilled Peri-Peri Chicken. The brand is famous among people and customers are happily satisfied with the menu of the restaurant.

Nandos Customer Service Contact Details

Nandos Customer Service Number: 1300-626-367
Call on the Nandos Customer Service contact number to get to know about any details related to nandos restaurants, franchising, menu related questions or any other information.

Nandos Customer Service Email Id: N/A
Nandos Customer service email id is unavailable. User can call on the customer service number or send an email through the contact us link provided on the website.

Nandos Head Office Address: N/A
The Head Office address is unavailable but other sources for contacting the company are available.

Nandos Official Website:
Official website can be visited to explore Nandos Menu and find restaurants nearby. The website provides all the foods and beverages provided by Nandos and other services.

Social Profiles

Like, subscribe and follow the above social profiles to know about latest offers on food products and beverages and find a reason to visit the Nandos restaurant.

Facebook Fan Page:

Twitter Handle:

YouTube Channel:

LinkedIn Profile:’s-australia

Pinterest Profile:

Instagram Handle:

Important Links

Contact Us:
The contact us link provides contact number to call company and a contact form to be filled by customers with queries, suggestions and feedbacks.

The careers link allows people to apply for job and work with the company. Interested users can visit the link and apply if the jobs are available and the qualifications of the person matches with the specified job.