Michelle Bridge is a lady who is an author, a personal trainer and a television personality. She was born in the year 1970 on October 20. This Australian woman is from Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia. She married to Steve Willis in the year 2012 and now they have two children.
When talking about her studies, She studied from Nelson Bay, New South Wales in Australia. It was her school time, when she came across an idea of starting a company that provides for the fitness classes and make people aware of the fitness and how to become fitter. She is been into writing many books as well. The books that she write are the Get Real!, Your Best Body, Everyday Weight Loss, 5 Minute A Day. Losing The Last K Kilos, The No Excuses Cookbook, Crunch Time Cookbook: 100 Knockout Recipes for Rapid Weight Loss, Losing the Last 5 Kilos: Kick-Arse Guide to Looking and Feeling Fantastic and Crunch Time: Lose Weight Fast and Keep It Off.
Michelle Bridges related questions or information are something which some people are looking for and for them, there are many contact details of her are shared below. These contain the list of few personal contact details like her residence address, her contact number, phone number, WhatsApp number, Email ID etc. Some of her office contact details are also shared. These include the head office address, head office contact number, fax number, official Email ID and agent booking contact number.
Michelle Bridges Personal Contact Details

Michelle Bridges Residence Address: n/a
Michelle Bridges Contact Number: n/a
Michelle Bridges Phone Number: n/a
Michelle Bridges WhatsApp Number: n/a
Michelle Bridges Email ID: n/a
There is no availability of any kind of personal contact details of Michelle Bridges. Whenever there will be any, that will be updated here too.
Michelle Bridges Office Contact Details
Michelle Bridges Office Address: n/a
Michelle Bridges Office Contact Number: n/a
Michelle Bridges Official Email ID: [email protected]
Michelle Bridges Booking Agent Contact Number: n/a
Only the official Email ID of Michelle Bridges is shared above. This can help you to get connected to her.
Michelle Bridges Official Website: michellebridges.com.au
This is the link of the Michelle Bridges. This link will help you get a medium to get all the detailed information of this lady.
Michelle Bridges Social Profiles
Facebook Fan Page: facebook.com/Mishy.Bridges
Twitter Handle: n/a
Instagram Handle: instagram.com/mishbridges
YouTube Channel: n/a
Snapchat Username: n/a
Google Plus Profile: n/a
These are the social media profiles of Michelle Bridges of Australia. On these profiles, one can get to receive all the updates about her at the earliest.