AU Customer Service

The Luggage Professionals Customer Service Number, Email ID, Office Address

The Luggage Professionals ( is an Australian business of luggage and deals in Melbourne and Sydney and here you would get all the products like backpacks and outdoors, Weekenders and Duffels bags and many more travel accessories. Here customers get next day delivery and delivery in Melbourne and Sydney within 3 hours and can return the items to store and online within the 100 days of purchase. Customers can buy products online and from stores also and the prices are very low as compare to the other brands and prices are same online as in stores of The Luggage Professional. You can find almost all brands over here like Antler, Caribee, Delsey, Eagle Creek, American Tourister and many more of your choice. Make your traveling time more comfortable and easy with this company. it was founded in 2007 and based in Australia.

This article is based on the basic information of the company because everyone wants to have great luggage material during traveling and here you can get all the details for buying superior suitcases at affordable prices and finest quality. You can gave the customer care number and email ids for solving your queries and for your orders. You can follow the company in social pages for more updates and the full information can be fetched from.the official website of the company. Go through the important links for further inquiries.

The Luggage Professionals Customer Service Contact Details

The Luggage Professionals Customer Service Number:

Sydney Store 1300 458 442

02 9438 3768

Melbourne Store 1300 458 442


03 9500 1539

if you you have further questions, and we know that most people do then you can call them on these numbers. They are happy to answer your questions on their range and any general luggage related questions you may have. You can call from Monday to Wednesday and Friday to Sunday at 9AM-6PM and on Thursday at 9AM-7PM.

The Luggage Professionals Sales Email ID:
If you have any kind of query related to your orders or delivery then you can do emails on this email address.

The Luggage Professionals Customer Service Email ID:

Sydney Store
Melbourne Store

For further inquiries related to stores or available items, you can do emails on these email IDs.

The Luggage Professionals Head Office Address: 127 Willoughby Rd Crows Nest NSW 2065
This is the head office address of the company and users can do visit it for more inquiries.

The Luggage Professionals Official Website:
This website is designed with the customer in mind so you can make an informed choice when choosing from their vast range of luggage and travel goods. you can get the full information about the company over here.

The Luggage Professionals Postal Address:

Sydney Store 127 Willoughby Rd Crows Nest NSW 2065
Melbourne Store Shop 2/266-274 Glenferrie Road Malvern VIC 3144

You can write anything to the company related to products on these address.

The Luggage Professionals Fax Number: N/A
No fax number is provided on the official website of the company.

Social Profiles

Do follow these links for following the company and be the first for knowing about the fresh arrivals

Facebook Fan Page:

Twitter Handle:

Instagram Handle: N/A

Pinterest Profile: N/A

Google Plus:

You Tube Channel: N/A


Important Links

Contact Page:
Do visit this link for knowing more about the timing of stores and address or other contact details of the company.

Frequently Asked Questions: N/A
Do contact with the sales team of the company fo.r any question

Career Page: N/A