Candles, Home-wares, Mood-mist, Aromatherapy Essential and Blended Oils, Mood-reeds, Candle Care Unscented Candles, Gift-ware, Mood-flame and numerous other related items are in the web based shopping store named Dusk Australia ( This store is giving the Christmas offers to the shopping and get the conveyance free however for restricted day and age. This store was established in 2000 and from that time it is giving the internet shopping administration and employments moreover. To get the more subtle elements visit the official site of the organization.
This article describes the customer care contact number, email address, head office address and official website of the company. Where you can by the products and can keep in touch via social links given below. Follow those links for the updates and check the important links for some more benefits and for help. Scroll down and check the given details.
Dusk Australia Customer Service Contact Details

Dusk Australia Customer Service Number: 1300 387 543 (Toll Free Contact Number)
Customers can call on this number if they face any problem during the online shopping or in any product. The team is always there to assist them. This is not a toll-free number, charges may apply.
Dusk Australia Customer Service Email ID: [email protected]
It is another way to contact the support team. Don’t waste your time if you are in any type of confusion. Write about your problem and send to this address. The support team will revert you back during the business hours as soon as possible.
Dusk Australia Headquarters Address: dusk Australasia Pty Ltd, PO Box 6307, Alexandria NSW 2015
The head office of the company is located in the Australia.
Dusk Australia Office Phone Number: 61 2 9308 3600
There is an official phone number of the company.
Dusk Australia Office Fax Number: N/A
The company is silent for the fax number.
Dusk Australia Official Website:
Fill your shopping bag with the branded and perfect skin care products. Select according to your need and order with one click. This website gives you the fresh and deep information about the company and products. Every product is available with the price and with the full detail. You can check the contact details again from the site.
Social Profiles
You can visit, like and follow these social profiles link for latest updates and more information.
Facebook Fan Page:
Twitter Handle:
Google Plus:
LinkedIn Profile: N/A
Instagram Handle:
Pinterest Profile:
YouTube Channel: N/A
Important Links
Contact Page:
This is the contact us link to get the customer contact details.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Clear your all the doubts from the link from the solved questions.
Career Page:
If you are Passionate, Professional, and Ambitious with a Can-do Attitude and would like to be part of Australia’s most successful retailers then they want to hear from you and offer a variety of glowing career opportunities in our stores nationwide.
Store Locator:
Find the store from 800 stores of dust.