Darren Hayes is an Australian based singer. He is basically from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. He was born in the year 1972 on May 8. His birth name is Darren Stanley Hayes and is 5′ 10″ (1.78 m) tall heighted. He married to Coby Taylor in the year 1994 but they both took divorce in the year 2000 and got separated. Later, he married to Richard Cullen in the year 2005.
His singles are Insatiable, Strange Relationship, I Miss You, Darkness, So Beautiful, Who Would Have Thought, Casey, Talk Talk Talk, Bloodstained Heart, Stupid Mistake, Step Into the Light, Pop!ular, Crush (1980 Me) etc. His other appearances include the Dou You Believe?, When You Say You Love Me, Not Even Close, Love Hangover, All You Need Is Love, Last Christmas,I Wish U Heaven etc. His video albums are the Too Close for Comfort: Tour Film, A Big Night in with Dareen Hayes, The Time Machine Tour and This Delicate Film WE’ve Made.
For the detailed information about Darren, one can scroll through this post. The post is all about the personal contact details and his office contact details. Also, his social media profiles are also shared here where he is active and provides updates.
Darren Hayes Personal Contact Details

Darren Hayes Residence Address: n/a
Darren Hayes Contact Number: n/a
Darren Hayes Phone Number: n/a
Darren Hayes WhatsApp Number: n/a
Darren Hayes Email ID: n/a
There is no availability of any kind of personal contact details of Darren Hayes. Whenever there will be any, that will be updated here too.
Darren Hayes Office Contact Details
Darren Hayes Office Address: Darren Hayes, Creative Artists Agency, 2000 Avenue of the Stars Los Angeles, CA 90067 USA
Darren Hayes Office Contact Number: (424) 288-2000
Darren Hayes Official Email ID: n/a
Darren Hayes Booking Agent Contact Number: n/a
Darren Hayes Official Website: darrenhayes.com
The fans are only provided with official details only. If available, they can use this as the medium to get an autograph of Darren Hayes. The process of getting an autograph after making a request can take minimum 3 months.
Darren Hayes Social Profiles
Facebook Fan Page: acebook.com/DarrenHayesOfficial
Twitter Handle: twitter.com/darrenhayes
Instagram Handle: instagram.com/darrenhayes
YouTube Channel: youtube.com/user/darrenhayes
Snapchat Username: n/a
Google Plus Profile: n/a
These are the social media profiles of Darren Hayes. One can get the latest updates made by Darren Hayes from here as well.