Let’s take a look in life of famous cook of Australia Andy Allen. We are going to share some life stages with the fans of Andy Allen. If you are looking for his life’s interesting parts and his story behind his success then scroll down and check this article on his life from birth to till.
There was a child born on April 30, 1988 in Australia. He was a student of electrician but he was not satisfied and he was one exam away before he became a qualified electrician. They are 3 siblings and he was a single brother of his two sisters. His father was a teacher and primary cricket convenor for the NSW Primary Schools Sports Association.
There is a life of chef behind a normal man and it was started from ‘master chef ‘contest in 2012. He took a dare from his friends and went in a competition. After that his life started in the world of cooking. He wrote his recipes and made his official website (andyallen.com.au) for his followers. And he also made his fan pages which we share below.
Andy Allen Contact details

Andy Allen Fan Mail Address: All you can do is to mail on the below given address.
Andy Allen Address: Ashtonfield, New South Wales, Australia.
Andy Allen Contact Page Address: andyallen.com.au/contact
Here you can fill the form and send your information Andy will reply as soon as possible.
Andy Allen Phone Number: N/A
People and fans of Andy Allen are searching for its personal / office phone number, house address, WhatsApp number etc. Unfortunately, due to security purpose we can’t share all the personal details. So, we recommend you to use below mentioned social platforms.
Andy Allen Office Fax Number: N/A
Andy Allen Office Email ID: N/A
Andy Allen Official Website: andyallen.com.au
This is an official website of Andy and here you can see more details. He is working for this site and then you can buy some e-books and catering services. You will see the links given in the site where you can know about the history of his life and contact ways. Follow the fan pages given on this site.
Andy Allen Social Profiles
Facebook Fan Page: facebook.com/andyallencooks
Follow Andy Allen on his Facebook fan page to stay connected with his latest activities and this page is handled by him. There are options like message drop in feedback suggestions etc to share your comments and views. In case you want to meet or talk then you can send message on the fan page and get reply soon.
Twitter Handle: twitter.com/andyallen444
To get latest tweets updates of his latest projects and information about Jackman follow him on Twitter .
Instagram Handle: instagram.com/andyallen444
To get amazing photos of new dishes made by Andy Allen and his current activities.
YouTube Channel: youtube.com/user/andyallencooks
Watch all his movie videos, interviews via YouTube channel following this link.